Can you believe it's already August! Before you know it, ArtBLISS will be here!
We want to give everyone a heads-up that we will be sending out more newsletter updates as we get closer and closer to the ArtBliss 2011 retreat. We want to make sure you don't miss any event details or fun activities that we have planned.
Cindy and I are so thrilled to see that many of you who attended our event last year are returning again this year. We look forward to seeing you again and also to meet our new guests!
Please visit our Yahoo group to read about the ArtBLISS charm swap and the Altered ID Badge contest. We had so much fun last year with the Charm Swap at our Innagural event so please check it out and see if this would be something that you would like to participate in this year. The Altered ID Badge contest is new for this year and thought this would be lots of fun too! If you decide that you woud like to participate in the Altered ID Badge Contest, please respond to this email and include your mailing address. Thank you!
Below is a photograph of the charm bracelet Cindy made from the Inaugural Charm Swap.

We hope to see many of you at the Meet and Greet Reception on Friday evening, September 23rd from 7:00 - 9:00pm. Join us in welcoming our amazing and gracious instructors while mingling with others and enjoying yummy h'ordeves, beverages and shopping in an intimate and cozy atmosphere. And don't forget that Cindy and I will be giving out some amazing door prizes. No raffle ticket is required to participate. You only need to be present to win. To give you a sneak peak of SOME of the exciting door prizes, here they are!

Look for the "the fun doesn't end when the sun goes down, Part 2 post, in the next few days.
Jeanette and Cindy
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